The Mods have been part of British youth culture since the early 1960’s. Each generation, it seems, finds its own expression of ‘modism’. But for them all, one place arguably encapsulates the original mod culture more than any other; The Scene Club, in London’s Soho. Perhaps it is because it was there at the beginning that the little venue in a basement beneath Ham Hard has an almost mythical reputation the world over. Perhaps it is because, having been at the centre of the subculture in 1964, it had closed by ’66 and disappeared without a trace.

Fast forward fifty years and Bletchley Park’s Harry Stammers finds himself drawn into the search for Gina Lawrence, whose unexplained disappearance from the Scene Club in 1964 has dogged the careers of brothers and former members of The Monks, Micky and Spencer Milburn. Journalist Holly Holgate is convinced that the younger of the two, singer Micky Milburn, killed her, during a drug-fuelled three-in-a-bed celebration of the band’s first Number One. But Stammers isn’t so sure.
Troubled by repeated ‘visions’ of Lawrence and an unidentified child, Stammers is determined not to become involved. But when, impossibly, his ten year old daughter Martha shares the same visions, Harry and his wife Ellen conclude that following their ‘intuition’ may be the lesser of evils.
‘The Scene Club’ marks the long waited return of one time Bletchley Park Curator and now, Chief Officer, Harry Stammers.