1970’s North London provides the backdrop to the second book in the Harry Stammers series, THE BATTLE OF WOOD GREEN.
Teacher Liz Muir believes that she has put her life as an MI5 agent behind her. But when an ex-pupil is brutally murdered at an anti-Nazi rally and her former MI5 master re-appears, she is forced back into service and a life of secrets and lies begins to unravel.

“Destiny. I’d been kidding myself that I could escape it. By accepting Smith’s proposition, in that empty interview room all those years before, I had chosen a path. While I’d tried to jump sideways onto another, it had led me back to the same point. All that I had done was to delay the inevitable. All that I could do now was to walk the path I had chosen. To the bitter end. And there, sitting beside Peter, I could so no end but a bitter one. At that moment it seemed to me that I was trapped. Not but Smith but by destiny. A destiny that would condemn me to live and re-live these agonies, until the journey was complete.”

Purchase Information
The Battle of Wood Green
Book 2 in The Harry Stammers Series in Kindle & paperback versions, available from Amazon