The Falcon FCB1281 is another recent purchase. It is a very compact little set with an unusually tiny (and consequently almost unreadable!) S-Meter and a very strong case. It shares an unusual main board with the Compact 40 (a radio I don’t yet have in the collection). This one was in fairly rough order and needed a lot of work to tune but is now surprisingly sensitive. I have included below my guide for tuning these sets. To tune the filter (top left), it is best to use a spectrum analyser (which I have) or leave well alone, as the filters tune out harmonics so, you wouldn’t want to inadvertently re-introduce them. The cores on the filters typical stick out the top by one or two turns, probably because they were originally made for the CEPT band. Watch out too, for the little group of five skeleton presets in the middle of the board as it is easy to get them muddled. They are (front to back) top left (low power adjust), top right (deviation), middle left (RF meter), middle right (S-meter) and bottom middle (squelch)