Undoubtedly, the best CB handheld ever made, in my honest opinion. Why? Because it is wide band (good for 11m and 10m), very solidly constructed, sounds great (on both TX and RX), is easy to use, recharges from a USB port and features the best FM noise cancelling I have ever come across. There is an adapter for use in the car or, for that matter, at home. And at around £110 new, it is much cheaper than the President Randy. In fact, the Thunderpole T-X is just about the perfect CB handheld.
If you are thinking of buying one, though, it is still a handheld. The hype surrounding this radio at launch, and to a large extent since, meant that a lot of people bought it, expecting miracles. Be aware that with the supplied rubber duck antenna, used around town, under normal conditions, the range will be a mile or two at best.
However, as your back up radio for when you are out walking the dog or out for a jog, this handheld will do a great job at keeping you in touch with him/her/another indoors. It really is a fantastic bit of kit. Highly recommended.